Airbrushing is fun and if you can add it to your nail repetoire then fantastic. It is a great way to apply quick drying nail colour. Like everything it takes a bit of playing around with the equipment to find your groove. Make sure your compressor is suitable to not only the climate you are working in but also your specific needs.
Stencils are however the make or break factor and we will take a look at stencils on another page. There are no shortage of stencils out there but we highly recommend you cut your own. We prefer transparant stencils and so we use transparant sheets usually used for overhead projectors to cut our stencils out.
However if you want something that clings a bit better to the surface then thin rubber would be a better option, we have not yet found the perfect material as far as rubber goes so any and all advice is welcome. But as stencils will be revisted, I will leave the stencil discussion for later.
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